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1161 AM - 87.6 FM

E ngā iwi o te motu, tēnei te mihi nui ki a koutou katoa, kua tatū mai ki tēnei wahanga. Tēnā koutou me ō tātou aituā. I te tīmatanga o ngā mahi pāpāho i Aotearoa, ko te reo irirangi o Aotearoa he irirangi reo Pākehā. Kore rawa te reo Māori i pīrangitia. Nō te wā i a Apirana Ngata, i a Wiremu Pāka i muri i a ia, ka kune mai te wawata kia pāho te reo Māori ki ngā raorao, ki ngā kāinga o te motu, otirā kia ora mai anō te reo.

Our most recent notices related our active advertising campaigns, local news and current affairs, also featuring some of the awesome people we talk to. Our full website blog can be found HERE.

Te Reo Irirangi O Te Upoko O Te Ika has been serving the Wellington community for over 40 years being the first reo irirangi Māori created in 1983. Our mission is to strengthen, promote and preserve te reo Māori me ōna tikanga through the power of radio. We provide local, national and international current affairs and news relevant to te iwi Māori and a platform for community groups to promote their events in the community and for local artists to showcase their music through a te ao Māori lens. To learn more about the history of Te Reo Irirangi O Te Upoko O Te Ika, click HERE 

With the Whare Kōrero app you can browse hundreds of Te Upoko interviews and listen our live audio stream on your phone.

Te Whare Kōrero icon, clickable link to the Te Upoko page onTe Whare Kōrero.


On air adverts, produced radio spots, interviews, discussions and debates,  sponsorship, event partnership, live broadcasting, community notices, live reads, however we can help your kaupapa.

Get in touch and let's make it happen together!

Want to advertise with us? Do you have a question about our programming? Something coming up that you'd like the local community to hear about? Get in touch and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

© Te Reo Irirangi O Te Upoko O Te Ika
Level 2 Grand Central Tower Building
76 Manners street,
P.O. Box 11812
Wellington 6011 
New Zealand
04 801 5002
0800 1161 24

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